Tuesday 7 January 2020

worksheets of class VII

Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1.   The sides of a triangular field are 15 m, 12 m and 9  m. Find its perimeter.
2.    Find the difference of   8 - 2
3.    Divide  ÷
Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 9 )
4.     Each side of a polygon is 2.5 cm in length. The perimeter of the polygon is 12.5 cm. How many sides does the polygon have?
5.    A piece of rope 10 m long is cut into three pieces. If the length of two pieces is  m and  m respectively, then find the length of the third piece.
6.    Jaggery is being sold at Rs 38  per kg. What is the cost of  kg of jaggery?
Section – c ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     If a pair of socks cost Rs 17.85 and a pair of shoes cost Rs 169.65 , then how many set of socks and shoes can be purchased for Rs 1500?
8.   Ajay travels 25.25 km by bus, 12.045km by scooter and some distance on foot. How much distance does he walk if he travels 45 km in all?

CHAPTER – 12 Algebraic Expressions
Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1.     Add the following algebraic expressions:-
2a2 + 5bc - 7abz and 4a2 - 2bc + 14abz
2.      Simplify ( 5x2 – y + z +7) – ( - x2 – 3z)
3.     Find the value of m in 6p3 – 2p2 + m = 11 if p = (-2)
Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 6 )
4.     What should be subtracted from 30ab + 12b – 14a to obtain 24ab – 10b + 18a?
5.     Simplify 11m2 + 8y2 – 6n2 -2y2 + 4m2 and then find its value when m = 2, y = (-3) and n = 4
6.     What should be added to 4ab – 3a2 – 5b2 to obtain 5a2 + 3b2 – ab?
Section – C ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     From the sum of 15x2 – 11y2 + 13and 23x2 + 31y2 -3, subtract the sum of 12x2 + 14 and 16y2 - 5.
8.     If M = 3a3 + 3a + 5a2 + 8, N = 3a2 + 5a3 -4a + 1 and P = 7 – 7a + 6a3 – 4a2, then find  a) M – N                  b) N + P

CHAPTER – 11 Perimeter and Area
Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1. The area of a rectangular sheet is 500 cm2. If the length of the sheet is 25 cm. What is its width?
2. Shyam took a wire of length 44 cm and bent it into the shape of a circle. Find the radius of the circle. Also, find its area.
3. If the base of a right angled triangle is 5 units and the hypotenuse is 13 units. Find its area.
Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 6 )
4. The area of a square and a rectangle are equal. If the side of the square is 40 cm and the breadth of the rectangle is 25 cm, find the length of the rectangle. Also, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
5. A circular fish pond has a diameter of 14 m. The pond is surrounded by a concrete path 1.75 m wide. Find the area of the path. [Take л = ]
6. A circle of radius 2 cm is cut out from a square piece of an aluminium sheet of side 6 cm. What is the area of the left over aluminium sheet?           ( Take π = 3.14 )
Section – C ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7. A rectangular lawn is 15 m long and 9 m wide. It has a path 1.5 m wide all around it. Find the area of the path. Also, find the cost of cementing the path at the rate of Rs 117 per m2
8. Through a rectangular field of length 120m and breadth 80m, two cross roads are constructed which are parallel to the sides and cut each other at right angles through the centre of the field. If the width of each road is 5m, find the area of the roads. Also, calculate the cost of constructing the roads at the rate of Rs 120 per m2.

Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1.     Express 198 × 256 as a product of prime factors only in exponential form.
2.     Evaluate ( -11 )12 ÷ ( -11 )7 × ( -1)21
3.    Find the value of (  )3
Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 9 )
4.    Simplify  (  )5 ×  (  )4
5.     Simplify
6.     Answer the following:-
(a)  Write 7.856 × 1015 in usual form.
(b)  Express 8564754 in expanded form.
(c)   Express 0.456937 in standard form.
Section – C ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     Simplify the following:-
(a)        [ (    )3 × (    )7  ]4
8.     Simplify the following :-
(a)  [ (  )2 ]6  ÷ (  )7

Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1. A batsman scored the following number of runs in six innings:
           36, 35, 50, 46, 60, 55
       Calculate the mean runs scored by him in an inning.
     2. The ages of 11 students participating in an English drama are 10,
6, 8, 19, 12, 8, 10, 18, 19, 15 and 10. Find the median age and the modal age of the participants.
3. A bag contains 3 red balls, 2 white balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn from the bag. Find the probability of getting black balls.
                                                  Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 9 )
4. The runs scored in a cricket match by 11 players is as follows:-
                6 , 15, 120, 50, 100, 80, 10, 15, 8 , 10, 15
          Find the mode and median of the above  data.
5. The weights in kilograms of 10 students of a school are:-
32, 41, 28, 54,35, 26, 23, 33, 38, 40
(a)  Find the difference in the weight of the heaviest student and that of the lightest student.
(b)  What is the mean weight of these students?
(c)   How many students have their weight more than the mean weight?
6.     The size of 11 shirts ( in cm )are as follows:-
90, 95, 100, 90, 90, 95, 95, 100, 90, 105, 105
Find the modal size, mean size and median size.
                                                    Section – C ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     The following data shows the number of english and mathematics books purchased by a school library in past five years :-
Number of English books
Number of Mathematics books
8.     Given below is the data of the modes of transport used by children ( boys and girls ) to go to school.
Mode of transport
School Bus
Other Vehicles
Number of girls
Number of boys

Draw a double bar graph using an appropriate scale to represent the data.

Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1.     The number of persons below poverty line in a country decreased from 150 lakhs to 100 lakhs in ten years. What is the percentage of decrease?
2.     a) Find 35% of 9500 litres
b)     Find the whole quantity if 24% of it Rs 1080  
3.     300 students took an exam. 28 % students failed. Calculate the number of students who passed the exam.
                                          Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 9 )
4.     Selling price of a shampoo is Rs 540. If the profit made by shopkeeper is 25%. What is the cost price of this shampoo?
5.      A washing machine is bought for Rs 12, 000 and sold at Rs 13,500. Find profit or loss percent.
6.     Lalita takes a loan of Rs 7500 at 15% per year as rate of interest. Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years.
                                            Section – c ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     Chalk contains calcium, carbon and sand in the ratio 8 : 13 : 4. Find the percentage of calcium and carbon in the chalk.
8.     If Champak pays an interest of Rs 750 for 2 years on a sum of Rs 45000. Find the rate of interest.

Section – A ( 2 * 3 = 6 )
1.      Set up an equation for the following and find the value of m :-
“ If you add 3 to one – third of m, you get 60’’.
2.     Solve and find the value of q.
5 + 6 ( q – 1) = 36.
3.     If you add to 5 to 9 times a number you get 77. Find the number.
                                          Section – B ( 3 * 3 = 9 )
4.     Rama’s mother’s age is 5 years more than three times Rama’s age. Find Rama’s age if her mother’s age is 44 years old.
5.      After 20 years, Manoj will be 5 times as old as he is now. Find his present age?
6.     In an isosceles triangle, base angles are equal. If the vertex angle is 50˚, find the base angles?
                                            Section – c ( 4 * 2 = 8 )
7.     A number when divided by 2 and then increased by 5 is 9. Find the number.
8.     The sum of three consecutive integers is 5 more than the smallest of the integer. Find the integers.

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